Hi Danyang,

I had trouble configuring PETSc on MacOS Monterey with ifort when using mpich 
(which I was building myself). I tracked it down to an errant 
option in the mpif90 wrapper. I rebuilt mpich with the 
"--enable-two-level-namespace” configuration option and the problem went away. 
I don’t know if there’s a similar 
issue with openmpi but you could check the corresponding mpif90 wrapper (mpif90 
-show) whether "-Wl,-flat_namespace” is present or not. If so, perhaps passing 
"--enable-two-level-namespace” to PETSc configure might fix the problem 
(although I don’t know how you would set this flag *just* for building openmpi).


> On Jan 12, 2022, at 9:41 PM, Danyang Su <danyang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I got an error in PETSc configuration on macOS Monterey with Intel oneAPI 
> using the following options:
> ./configure --with-cc=icc --with-cxx=icpc --with-fc=ifort 
> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2022.0.0/lib/ --with-debugging=1 
> PETSC_ARCH=macos-intel-dbg --download-mumps --download-parmetis 
> --download-metis --download-hypre --download-superlu --download-hdf5=yes 
> --download-openmpi
> Error with downloaded OpenMPI: Cannot compile/link FC with 
> /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.16.3/macos-intel-dbg/bin/mpif90.
> Any suggestions for that?
> There is no problem if I use GNU compiler and MPICH.
> Thanks,
> Danyang

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