In most circumstances, you can and should interlace in some form such that each 
block in fieldsplit is distributed across all ranks. If you interlace at scalar 
granularity as described, then each block needs to be able to do that. So for 
the Stokes equations with equal order elements (like P1-P1 stabilized), you can 
interlace (u,v,w,p), but for mixed elements (like Q2-P1^discontinuous) you 
can't interlace in that way. You can still distribute pressure and velocity 
over all processes, but will need index sets to identify the velocity-pressure 

Alexander Lindsay <> writes:

> In the block matrices documentation, it's stated: "Note that for interlaced
> storage the number of rows/columns of each block must be the same size" Is
> interlacing defined in a global sense, or a process-local sense? So
> explicitly, if I don't want the same size restriction, do I need to ensure
> that globally all of my block 1 dofs are numbered after my block 0 dofs? Or
> do I need to follow that on a process-local level? Essentially in libMesh
> we always follow rank-major ordering. I'm asking whether for unequal row
> sizes, in order to split, would we need to strictly follow variable-major
> ordering (splitting here meaning splitting by variable)?
> Alex

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