Sorry, forgot function create_petsc_matrix()

def create_petsc_matrix(input_array sparse=True):
    """Create a PETSc matrix from an input_array

        input_array (np array): Input array
        partition_like (PETSc mat, optional): Petsc matrix. Defaults to None.
        sparse (bool, optional): Toggle for sparese or dense. Defaults to True.

        PETSc mat: PETSc matrix
    # Check if input_array is 1D and reshape if necessary
    assert len(input_array.shape) == 2, "Input array should be 2-dimensional"
    global_rows, global_cols = input_array.shape

    size = ((None, global_rows), (global_cols, global_cols))

    # Create a sparse or dense matrix based on the 'sparse' argument
    if sparse:
        matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=size, comm=COMM_WORLD)
        matrix = PETSc.Mat().createDense(size=size, comm=COMM_WORLD)

    local_rows_start, local_rows_end = matrix.getOwnershipRange()

    for counter, i in enumerate(range(local_rows_start, local_rows_end)):
        # Calculate the correct row in the array for the current process
        row_in_array = counter + local_rows_start
            i, range(global_cols), input_array[row_in_array, :], addv=False

    # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure

    return matrix

> On 5 Oct 2023, at 13:09, Thanasis Boutsikakis 
> <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying a Galerkin projection (see MFE below) and I cannot get the 
> Phi.transposeMatMult(A, A1) work. The error is
>     Phi.transposeMatMult(A, A1)
>   File "petsc4py/PETSc/Mat.pyx", line 1514, in 
> petsc4py.PETSc.Mat.transposeMatMult
> petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code 56
> [0] MatTransposeMatMult() at 
> /Users/boutsitron/firedrake/src/petsc/src/mat/interface/matrix.c:10135
> [0] MatProduct_Private() at 
> /Users/boutsitron/firedrake/src/petsc/src/mat/interface/matrix.c:9989
> [0] No support for this operation for this object type
> [0] Call MatProductCreate() first
> Do you know if these exposed to petsc4py or maybe there is another way? I 
> cannot get the MFE to work (neither in sequential nor in parallel)
> """Experimenting with PETSc mat-mat multiplication"""
> import time
> import numpy as np
> from colorama import Fore
> from firedrake import COMM_SELF, COMM_WORLD
> from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
> from mpi4py import MPI
> from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
> from utilities import (
>     Print,
>     create_petsc_matrix,
> )
> nproc = COMM_WORLD.size
> rank = COMM_WORLD.rank
> # --------------------------------------------
> # EXP: Galerkin projection of an mpi PETSc matrix A with an mpi PETSc matrix 
> Phi
> #  A' = Phi.T * A * Phi
> # [k x k] <- [k x m] x [m x m] x [m x k]
> # --------------------------------------------
> m, k = 11, 7
> # Generate the random numpy matrices
> np.random.seed(0)  # sets the seed to 0
> A_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(m, m))
> Phi_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(m, k))
> # Create A as an mpi matrix distributed on each process
> A = create_petsc_matrix(A_np)
> # Create Phi as an mpi matrix distributed on each process
> Phi = create_petsc_matrix(Phi_np)
> A1 = create_petsc_matrix(np.zeros((k, m)))
> # Now A1 contains the result of Phi^T * A
> Phi.transposeMatMult(A, A1)

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