You can place it in a parallel Mat (that has rows or columns on only one rank 
or a subset of ranks) and then MatCreateSubMatrix with all new rows/columns on 
a different rank or subset of ranks.

That said, you usually have a function that assembles the matrix and you can 
just call that on the new communicator.

Damyn Chipman <> writes:

> Hi PETSc developers,
> In short, my question is this: Does PETSc provide a way to move or copy an 
> object (say a Mat) from one communicator to another?
> The more detailed scenario is this: I’m working on a linear algebra solver on 
> quadtree meshes (i.e., p4est). I use communicator subsets in order to 
> facilitate communication between siblings or nearby neighbors. When 
> performing linear algebra across siblings (a group of 4), I need to copy a 
> node’s data (i.e., a Mat object) from a sibling’s communicator to the 
> communicator that includes the four siblings. From what I can tell, I can 
> only copy a PETSc object onto the same communicator.
> My current approach will be to copy the raw data from the Mat on one 
> communicator to a new Mat on the new communicator, but I wanted to see if 
> there is a more “elegant” approach within PETSc.
> Thanks in advance,
> Damyn Chipman
> Boise State University
> PhD Candidate
> Computational Sciences and Engineering

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