
I’m new to pf and am using it on OS X 10.11

When I have my OS X host connected to two networks, say Wifi and a wired 
ethernet I’d like to arrange for specific services to specific destinations be 
directed to the wifi network, while the ethernet carries other traffic.

No matter what combination I try with pfctl I cannot make it work.

In the documentation there is the - correct - implication that all routing is 
that defined as traffic arriving on one interface and leaving on another, which 
is not the case when I am using a single OS X host.  So I’m tempted to think 
this rather perverted use of routing is simply not possible with pf. 

I’ve tried many combinations but typically they are variations on this:

pfctl pass route-to ($device $gateway) from any to $destinationNetwork $service

I’ve tried explicitly stating interfaces and their direction (in, out) as well 
as stating tcp protocol as well.  I’ve simplified further leaving out the 
service involved, I’ve also tried using the reply-to command but I don’t 
believe i need that.

I know the config has an effect usually by my tests breaking all connectivity...

So I’d be very appreciative if I can be shown a way to setup the above config.  
So I can get access to particular services via one interface while everything 
else goes via the other.  Or to say its not possible.

Thanks very much,


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