On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 12:21:36AM +0600, Michael O. Boev wrote:

> I have a SQUID proxy inside my network and I want it to make active
> FTP-connections to the world (instead of, default, passive). And SQUID
> refuses to accept the data connection from the ftp-proxy process, stating
> that the connection comes from an unexpected address (from the proxying
> machine, but not the target server). And it's not without reason, IMHO.

To make ftp-proxy transparent like that, the data connections would have
to appear to come from the external ftp server. So pf would have to
translate the source address of the data connection from ftp-proxy to
the ftp client (squid, in your case).

For that, ftp-proxy would have to either insert and remove a temporary
nat rule on the internal interface for each data connection, or use
something like 'embryionic states' (search the list archive for a
discussion of that). Neither is currently implemented.

But you can relax squid's checking of the source address of active data
connections, using the 'ftp_sanitycheck' configuration option:

  ftp_sanitycheck, default: on

  For security and data integrity reasons Squid by default performs
  sanity checks of the addresses of FTP data connections ensure the
  data connection is to the requested server. If you need to allow
  FTP connections to servers using another IP address for the data
  connection then turn this off.

Assuming that the firewall prevents external hosts from connecting to
the squid box directly (not through ftp-proxy), I'd say it's safe to
turn that check off. You could also patch the check to allow connections
from either the expected server or the ftp-proxy address (src/ftp.c,
grep for sanitycheck).


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