PM> My firewall is pretty tight.  I block all incoming by default and let out 
only certain
PM> destination ports.  I'm currently filtering on external interface only.

PM> Now I decided to do a check on all outgoing traffic
PM> (filtering out of course the allowed ports)
PM> and I made an interesting discovery.

PM> I am on dial-up (PPP) with a Canadian ISP (Sympatico) and I
PM> am sending out regular replies to
PM> port 135.  I figured this is due to PPP tunneling.  In 15
PM> minutes I was replying to about a
PM> dozen different IP addresses but they all resolve back to my ISPs servers 
(or clients?):

These hosts, probably, infected w/ "Lovesan" (aka "MS-blast") virus. It
scans networks for vulnerable Windows boxes to infect.

but you, should see it as incoming requests, than, your host replys.

Ilya A. Kovalenko                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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