On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 12:27:53AM +0000, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> I thought the queues were tied to the interfaces, so that, for
> instance, queue on the LAN interface could not borrow bandwidth
> from a queue on the DMZ interface.  So then you either need to
> partition your WAN bandwidth between the LAN and the DMZ, radically
> reducing the total bandwidth available to either (as far as
> the net is concerned), or you run the
> risk of losing all your queueing when you fill the WAN link
> because datagrams will get dropped on the far side of the WAN link.

  altq is tied to an interface, and then queues are tied to altq;
  as opposed to queues being tied to the interface directly
  ( i think )

  we never got around to using this config, but as a test i made
  the queueing section as:

altq on $e cbq bandwidth $adsl_up queue         { q_top q_hi q_med q_lo q_bt }
altq on $i cbq bandwidth $adsl_down queue       { q_top q_hi q_med q_lo q_bt }
queue   q_top   bandwidth 10% priority 7 cbq(borrow)
queue   q_hi    bandwidth 10% priority 5 cbq(borrow)
queue   q_med   bandwidth 10% priority 3 cbq(borrow default)
queue   q_lo    bandwidth 10% priority 1 cbq(borrow)
queue   q_bt    bandwidth 10% priority 0 cbq(borrow)

  and it parses OK. ( pretty much each rule in the conf that can
  have a queue declaration does, after that point ).

  still would be interested to see that in practice, but the machine
  we're planning on doing that config on hasn't been cut over
  to openbsd yet



[ openbsd 3.8 GENERIC ( oct 30 ) // i386 ]

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