Reforwarding was the holidays so maybe it got missed. 
Anyone?  Thanks!


On 12/27/05, Bill Marquette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious (it wouldn't surprise
> me), I can't find a way to figure out what queue a given state is
> assigned.  Obviously, based on rules I could logically figure it out,
> but I'm looking for a way with pfctl -ss (-vvss, etc) to be able to
> see what's actually in the state table.
> I've looked through a fair amount of source and grok some of what I'm
> reading, but it doesn't appear that the queue is even part of the
> state entry.  If not, how does ALTQ actually pick up the flow?  Also,
> along the same lines, is it possible to modify the flows queue w/in
> ALTQ?  I looked for a pfioctl that would allow for state modification
> - it looks like I might be able to do DIOCGETSTATE, followed by
> modifying the struct and then do a DIOCKILLSTATES and a DIOCADDSTATE.
> But for what I'm trying to do (change queue based on a layer 7
> protocol decode) it doesn't seem likely to help me (at this time).
> Any hints?  I didn't see any ioctls' specific to ALTQ either so it
> doesn't appear I can access it from userland other than getting stats
> through the ioctls that pf exposes.
> --Bill

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