Hi all. I am the author of the 'expiretable' utility. Seeing that
version 0.5 recently wound up in the FreeBSD ports-tree I figured I'd
release a new version just to keep the ports-maintainers of both the
FreeBSD ports tree and the OpenBSD ports tree on their toes :)

Well, that and I had some pending features I wanted to get in there, but
I haven't had the time to put them in until now.

There are two new things in this pre-release:
 - Got rid of the arbitrarily chosen age-limit. I have no idea where I
   got the 64k seconds from. Now it is set to the current limit of the
   sleep()-function of OpenBSD (100 million seconds).
- Added the ability to specify the age in units other than seconds, eg.
   "expiretable -t 1d blocklist" for purging items older than 24 hours.
   See the man-page for details.

If any of you find the time I'd like some testing of the input-
validation, some comments on the man-page and general testing for
regressions. I don't have access to a PF-running FreeBSD box so any
input on how/whether it works there would be nice. No huge changes and
the fact that 0.5 has ended up in the FreeBSD ports-tree leads me to
believe it has a better than average chance of working. :)

Find the latest sources here:

Webpage with some info:


// Henrik Gustafsson

I'm running out of ideas on what more can be put into expiretable. The
only thing I can think of at the moment is an option to expire entries
after a period of the entry not being matched. Problem is, there is no
'last matched'-counter, so I'd have to either somehow keep track of one
myself or just reset the statistics everytime the matched-counter is >0.
That would make the 'last cleared' time approximate 'last matched', but
would probably screw up any statistics-gathering programs.

I do aim to keep the program as simple as possible, so I might decide
not to add any more features, but if you've got an idea that you want
implemented in expiretable (or in tableutil for that matter), give me a

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