On Thursday 06 April 2006 16.48, Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:52:34AM -0400, Peter wrote:
> > > Do you know if there is something going on to make this possible?
> > > And today the only way is a rule for each customer IP in pf.conf
> > > then....?
> > > Or are there maybe other tools except labels in PF to make this
> > > statistics to
> > > work in an easy way?
> >
> > I'm just a poor user like yourself.  To me, it doesn't sound like a big
> > change.  Maybe Daniel can let us know.
> Obviously, if you want per-IP counters, the kernel needs to allocate
> memory for each counter per IP. It should be clear that if you want to
> have individual counters for 100,000 addresses, you need to allocate a
> memory for those 100,000 counters. Since we're talking about a
> non-trivial amount of memory there, there's no way pf will automatically
> keep such counters by default, on the off-chance that some users will
> actually query some of them.

Yes I understand. But it could be nice if it could be expanded by a special 
flag in PF. Like "set expansion". Then  you enable it manually instead of 
that it just work and maybe by mistake eat a lot of memory if you have some 
huge netblocks specified. Maybe it also can be specified within the label 
statement per rule. Like...
pass in quick on $EXTERNAL_INT inet from any to $COLOC_IPS_1 label expand 
"COLOC_SERVERS:$dstaddr" keep state
(note the "expand" above)

> There's two ways to get such counters already. Adding individual rules
> per IP is the first one.

I know. But that is the last choice....

> This requires more memory (which any solution 
> will), but also makes ruleset evaluation slower. I agree that it's not
> an elegant solution for thousands of IP addresses.

I agree...

> The other is address tables. If you change your ruleset to
>   table <coloc_ips_1> const {,, \
>, ...,, }
>   pass in quick on $EXTERNAL_INT inet from any to <COLOC_IPS_1> \
>     keep state
> you get counters allocated and updated for every address in the table,
> and you can query them with
>   # pfctl -t COLOC_IPS_1 -vTs
>         Cleared:     Tue Mar 14 14:22:32 2006
>         In/Block:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0 ]
>         In/Pass:     [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0 ]
>         Out/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0 ]
>         Out/Pass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0 ]
>         ...

This sounds like the best workaround for now. even if I have to add all 
addresses to a table. Hope this eat less memory than one rule per IP address 
in PF.

> If you want multiple counters for each IP address, like
> per-IP-and-protocol counters, you'll need to duplicate the table for
> each protocol, i.e. multiple tables containing the same addresses, for
> the sake of allocating multiple counters per address:
>   table <coloc_ips_1_http> const {,, \
>, ...,, }
>   table <coloc_ips_1_smtp> const {,, \
>, ...,, }
>   ...

As this is customer servers we only want totals at the moment... So this is 
not a problem.

> That's pretty optimal with regards to memory usage. The address itself
> is small compared to all the counters associated with it.

You mean the above table workaround doesn't slow down the ruleset and also eat 
less memory?

> If you want 
> separate counters per protocol, you HAVE to allocate the counters per
> protocol and address. Allocating the address itself twice is a
> relatively small waste.
> So, I consider this a sufficiently elegant (existing!) solution, the
> only annoying thing is that you have to manually enumerate all IPs
> within the netblock.
> This could be improved by adding a little syntactic sugar to pfctl,
> introducing some optional syntax for table additions, like
>   table ... {, 10.2.2/24*, 10.2.3/24 }
> where the '*' means 'don't add the netblock itself, but instead generate
> and insert all individual address within that netblock), i.e. the above
> table would then contain the entries
>   ...
>   10.2.3/24

when can we have that syntactic sugar in the code ;-)
> This doesn't HAVE to be done by pfctl itself, you can generate the list
> automatically with jot(1) or similar,  > but I guess it might be nice. 

Correct. It would be really nice. Can it be a future feature request? 
> Anything beyond this, like 'I want to track a whole /8, but I don't have
> the memory to pre-allocate 2^24 counters, I want counters allocated on
> demand for those addresses actually seen', is NOT a simple change.
> Daniel

Thanks in advance

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