
On the FreeBSD pf list someone mentioned that they wanted the ability
to have a "default deny" policy with pf, like the old ipf kernel
option.  That reminded me that I thought the same thing when I started
with pf.  I know, I know, it's not a terribly useful setup until the
pass rules get loaded, but by enforcing "default deny" in both pf and
in the rules, you're less likely to forget it in one place or the
other.  And yes, I'm aware that it is enabled in /etc/rc before
/etc/netstart is even called.

Also, it's right in line with OpenBSD's "default secure" ideology.

BTW, the ruleset loaded in /etc/rc could use "set skip" on lo0, and
quick rules, and make some allowance for DHCP.
``I am not a pessimist.  To perceive evil where it exists is, in my
opinion, a form of optimism.'' -- Roberto Rossellini
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