
Thank you so much for your input!
If I change the knock ports every time I log in, I should be fine, right?
Please comment on my ruleset, brain fart again?

knock1 = "11111"
knock2 = "22222"
open = "22"

block drop in all

block drop quick on $extif inet proto tcp \
from any to $extaddr port $knock1 \
tag knock1

block drop quick on $extif inet proto tcp \
from any to $extaddr port != $knock2 \
tagged knock1 tag knock

block drop quick log on $extif inet proto tcp \
from any to $extaddr port $knock2 \
tagged knock1 tag knock2

block drop quick log on $extif inet proto tcp \
from any to $extaddr port != $open \
tagged knock2 tag knock

pass in quick log on $extif inet proto tcp \
from any to $extaddr port $open \
modulate state (max 1) \
tagged knock2

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