
pass in on $int_if from $network nat-to $ext_if is different from
pass out on $ext_if from $network nat-to $ext_if

Also from pf.conf(5)

nat-to is usually applied outbound. If applied inbound, nat-to
               to a local IP address is not supported.

On 06/06/11 11:05, Rob Sessink wrote:


In a multi-homed setup I am trying to routeout packets over the secondary interface on which also NAT is done.

The environment consists of a OpenBSD 4.9 Firewall with 3 em interfaces, connected to 2 DSL providers

em0: internal interface

em1: first DSL

em2: second DSL

I did dome testing with the understanding ruleset, where I have specified a nat-to and route-to statement in a single rule

########### rules ###########

pass in log on em0 from nat-to (e2gress:0) route-to (em2 80.100.x.x)

pass out log on em2

########### states ###########

all icmp <- 80.100.x.x:54000 ( 0:0

all icmp 80.100.x.x:54000 ->       0:0

This setup somewhat works. When pinging an upstream host, the packets get send out over the secondary interface, but the first packet is always dropped!

According to the pf.conf man page this rule specification is possible. My question is this kind of rule specification allowed and intended to be working in PF?

When splitting the nat-to / route-to statement in the ruleset everything works fine.

########### rules ###########

pass in  log on em0 from route-to (em2 80.100.x.x)

pass out log on em2 from nat-to (em2:0)

########### states ###########

all icmp <-       0:0

all icmp 80.100.x.x:9676 ( ->       0:0

Regards Rob

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