On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 03:30:21PM +0100, Johan Helsingius wrote:

> I have a small network, connected by 2 ADSL connections, and
> want to load-share the connections. All examples of route-to
> round-robin that I have seen have used 2 separate interfaces,
> but as both my ADSL modems are on the same "no-mans-land"
> network, I have been (so far unsuccessfully) trying to do
> something like this:
> pass in on $int_if from $int_net \
>       route-to { ($ext_if $isp1_gw), ($ext_if $isp2_gw) } \
>       round-robin sticky-address
> Is that supposed to work, or does route-to round-robin only
> work with 2 separate interfaces?

AFAIK, it should work.

tcpdump with -e on $ext_if and check the destination MAC addresses.

Can you ping $isp1_gw and $isp2_gw and arp -sn is showing two
different entries for them?

What is the problem? All packets always go to $isp1_gw's MAC?
Or the sticky-address source tracking isn't working?

Are you using multiple clients on $int_net? If not, what do you expect
the sticky-address to do?

Have you tried adding "keep state(soure-track global)" and
"set timeout source-track" and checked with pfctl -sS?


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