Hi everyone,

I wrote up a post on the FreeBSD forums about the issue I am having.  It's 
rather long so I am providing a link to it here: 

In summary, it seems that when the packets are routed in to the gateway from 
local network hosts, the src and dst addresses are changed to the public IPs of 
the tunnel -- at least from the perspective of the ipsec stack. This is 
breaking the ESP encryption in certain cases.  I found a workaround, and while 
the workaround is fine for scenarios where I control both endpoints, I am 
trying to integrate a remote endpoint (i.e. Cisco ASA) where I cannot get them 
to implement an equivalent workaround on their end. Does anyone have any ideas 
that might help me get ipsec to properly match off of the private src and dst 

(I apologize in advance if I'm breaking a mailing list rule by pointing you all 
to the forum URL -- I'm somewhat new to the list).


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