"A reckoning with women awaits Trump"


        And yet Bannon, who is partial to grand pronouncements,
        acknowledged the political stakes, not least for the
        President. "You watch. The time has come," he said. "Women are
        gonna take charge of society. And they couldn't juxtapose a
        better villain than Trump. He is the patriarch. This is a
        definitional moment in the culture. It'll never be the same
        going forward . . . The anti-patriarchy movement is going to
        undo ten thousand years of recorded history." Bannon, who has
        failed to return to Trump's good graces since his ouster from
        the White House, last August, has relinquished the rhetoric of
        personal loyalty. Green told Jake Tapper on CNN that Bannon
        told him, "I'm sick of being a wet nurse for a

 - - -

And I'm pretty sure that once the women take control, they'll enslave
men in short order, and never let us loose again. Come to think of it,
we deserve that, and it would probably be better all around for the
planet that way.

Lauren Weinstein (lau...@vortex.com): https://www.vortex.com/lauren 
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