To those who are hoping for Google to fail ...

There are a lot of people out there, on the Right and the Left, who
are clearly rooting for Google to fail, to collapse, to be torn apart
and melt away.

I can't emphasize enough how wrong I consider such views to be, how
ultimately self-destructive to society at large.

Yes, Google is imperfect in various ways -- as are all organizations
composed of mere humans.

But -- compared to the horrific ultimately anti-tech nightmare world of
government-micromanaged content websites and the vast user
identification infrastructures envisioned by politicians of both parties -- Google is still in my opinion best placed to push back against such
overreaches -- for the sake of its users and society at large -- and
against those entities who would turn the Internet into a dystopian
government-controlled wasteland -- politicians destroying what we've
built while claiming that they only have our best interests (not their
own ulterior motives) at heart. -L

- - -
Lauren Weinstein (
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        PRIVACY Forum:
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility
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