When you say "un-vendorising", do you mean removing them from the vendor
directory and adding them to packages.json so they're pulled in via
npm/yarn? (if so, good :-) )

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 7:34 AM, Surinder Kumar <
surinder.ku...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> Hi
> *Detailed changes:*
> ​1) Created a file bundle/app.js which loads `browser.js`  and then
> 'tools.datagrid' and its other dependents are configured to load in
> '`imports-loader`
> 2) bundle/codemirror.js - it generates a bundled JS which is used wherever
> required in various modules.
> 3) file_utils.js - It bundles the file manager's utility JS file and
> loaded from `file manager/index.html`
> 4) lib_css - It contains list of vendor CSS to be bundled.
> 5) pgadmin_css - It contains list of overrides CSS which are bundled and
> which has to load after vendors CSS is loaded.
> *Various Webpack configuration parameters:*
> 1) externals: List of template files to be loaded dynamically when a call
> is made by dependent modules. These files are excluded from the bundled JS.
> 2) resolve > alias - This resolves the path of module JS which is referred
> in other modules; For example:
> 'backbone': path.join(__dirname, './node_modules/backbone/backbone')
> 3) `backbone` is used in 'define(['backbone'])' calls and its path is
> resolved to above absolute path.
> 4) 'pgLibs': List of files to bundle into `pgadmin_commons.js`. The
> purpose is to separate files other than browser node modules JS in
> `pgadmin_commons.js` and browser node modules JS in `app.bundle.js`. It
> will help in debugging the code during development.
> *Un-vendor modules:*
> All modules are un-vendored except:
> - requireJS
> - Backgrid JS - it gives reference error when importing backgrid.css from
> node_modules in bundle/lib.css even if the path is correct. I logged an
> issue:
> Opened an issue <https://github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader/issues/567>
> - React JS - I didn't un-vendor React JS because the pivotal developers
> submitted a patch to fix issue of QtWebEngine. Once the patch is merged in
> React repo, we will un-vendor.
> *Other issues faced:*
> 1) Backbone JS: I didn't upgraded backbone JS to latest because it affects
> the application code mainly `Preferences module`.
> 2) jQuery: I didn't upgraded it to latest because it is gives error in
> loading wcIframe of wcDocker in Query tool. I submit a PR
> <https://github.com/WebCabin/wcDocker/pull/118>.
> 3) Acitree - it is not available in yarn repository. logged an request
> <https://github.com/dragosu/jquery-aciTree/issues/15>
> However i am managing it on my github account by forking this repo.
> Specified the repo github link to `acitree` in package.json with tag to
> pull from
> 4.5.0-rc.7 <https://github.com/imsurinder90/jquery-aciTree.git#4.5.0-rc.7>.
> The latest version of actiree has issues so code is used form 4.5.0-rc.7
> tag.
> Thanks to bestander <https://github.com/bestander> for helping this out.
> link to thread
> <https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/1747#issuecomment-312502008>
> *Plugins used:*
> ​- optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin: its job is to optimise the CSS
> bundle like minifying CSS and removing comments from it. [used only in
> production]
> -  uglifyJS - It minimise the bundled JS​, and remove console statements
> from code. [used only in production]
> - definePlugin - It helps in minimising the `React' production bundle. As
> react has conditional code based on 'NODE_ENV' variable. [used only in
> production]
> - providePlugin - It makes the variable defined through out the
> application context. For example: jQuery object can be accessed wherever
>  it is used but not included in `define` calls.
> - CommonsChunkPlugin - it helps in separating vendor like code, common
> dependent modules used in multiple modules. it extracts out in a file.
> - extractTextPlugin - it is used in combination with 'css-loader' and
> 'style-loader'. It helps in extracting CSS and moved into files.
> - webpack-bundle-analyzer - it helps in analysing the bundled JS files
> like size of bundled JS and which JS files are included in bundle. It is
> commented out. [Use only when need to analyse]
> *Loaders used:*
> ​- shim-loader: It manages the module dependency, uses the same
> configuration used in ​requireJS
> - imports-loader: It also used to loaded dependent modules which are
> defined in its `use` setting.
> - file-loader - It helps in extracting font, image files into a separate
> directory.
> - css-loader - Imports css files included in modules using `require` and
> `import` calls.
> *TODO:*
> ​1) Automatically handle static and template JS files: This is already
> being discussed. Once it is sorted out, we will change webpack
> configuration accordingly.
> 2) Implementing Caching: I will look into this once an initial patch is
> commited. and later on add as improvement.
> 3) Source maps: It will help in debugging bundled JS code in production
> environment.
> 4) Feature tests are failing: I am currently looking into it. Query tool
> functionality is working fine, the issue is it is unable to find code
> mirror.
> *Steps to run:*
> ​After applying patch:* git apply --binary /path/to/patch*
> run* `yarn install`*
> then run:
> *​*In development mode:
> *yarn run bundle:dev*
> In production mode:
> *yarn run bundle:prod​*​
> *Performance comparison:*
> On Mac's Chrome - Before bundle it was taking ~9sec to load page. After
> bundle it took 3.5secs (with no cache)
> Please review the patch.
> Thanks,
> Surinder
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 8:22 PM, Sarah McAlear <smcal...@pivotal.io> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>> *​Things to discuss:*
>>> How to differentiate between a static and template JS
>>> ​​
>>> .
>> What is the advantage of webpacking templated JS? It seems as though this
>> creates a system in which the bundled dependencies have to refer back to
>> the backend to load the templates.
>> If there is a performance win in packing templated JS then looking at it
>> makes sense.  Otherwise it may make sense to put off until it is clear that
>> the templated files should be dealt with by either de-templating them or
>> bundling them where there is a clear reason.
>> However, we're wondering about possible performance penalties with
>> templating larger files (as opposed to templating on-demand.) Since jinja
>> templates can execute arbitrary python, this could get time expensive and
>> further slow things like initial page-load.
>> Another concern is: what happens when a template gets out of date (e.g.
>> if browser.js had previously filled in the content for 'panel_item.content'
>> and had been cached, would it render a new version with the new values when
>> needed? Or is it possible that we would get old content?)
>>> *Taks remaining:*
>>> ​1. ​
>>> Fix local variables which are declared without using var, have to check
>>> in each file
>>> ​ by​
>>>  running eslint (For now, i will fix only errors which are giving error
>>> in browser).
>>> ​2. ​
>>> Move non-template files from ’templates’ to ’static’ directory. List of
>>> ​ pending​
>>>  modules is here:
>>>    - Tools (mostly all modules - 9 modules)
>>>    - Browser nodes - 3 modules(resource group, roles, tablespace)
>>>    - ​About
>>>    ​​
>>> Also can we move
>>> ​'​
>>> dashboard, statistic
>>> ​s​
>>> , preferences and help
>>> ​'​
>>>  modules inside misc to preserve modularity as pgAdmin is modular
>>> ​ ?​
>> Is there anything from a organization stance you discussed in the
>> previous email that needs to be done to make this usable and consistent?
>> Thanks,
>> George & Sarah

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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