Dave Page wrote:

That's fine with me. My major concern is that the code that drives the grid is only written once. This is likely to get quite complex once editting features are added, and I don't want to maintain 2 copies. I always want to keep the look and feel consistant.

So, how about we create a class derived from the wxNotebook as Andreas
suggests, which can just be passed the completed query to display the
results and allow editting thereof (where possible), and display explain
output (and hopefully one day we can add a visual explain tab).


I don't think it's a good idea trying to inject editing features in the current wxListView. Actually, my first implementation used wxGrid, but was a real pain for bigger result sets. SELECT * from pg_attribute (200 rows) wouldn't complete within 30 seconds, and the destruction of a 2000 row grid (without data) would consume several seconds! From that times, we got that split elapsed seconds display to see how the time splits between query execution and result retrieval.

Actually, I see YAQT (yet another query tool) for editing a table. You just pick a table (maybe view), hit "Edit" and scroll up and down in there. It must be capable of unlimited rows, which isn't easy but can be done (I already implemented something like that in earlier days). And it should have inline editing, feels better than the current pgadmin2 solution.

We got different recommendations, so we need different tools. If we try to put all into one, we get only second best. And you will agree, pgsql is worth only the best.



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