Code to call language dependent strings is successfully added to pgAdmin3. It will work with wx2.4, and won't need Unicode for standard languages (whatever ansi considers to be a standard language :-)

To create/update the pgadmin3.pot file, which acts as input to poedit, the script stringextract can be used. By default, it will always append, so over time there will be some garbage in it. This is ok, as long as the app is changing. For a fresh build, simply pgadmin3.pot can be deleted.

For supporting an additional language, simply create a directory using the canonical name under ui.

There are some questions left:

Where should we publicate pgadmin3.pot for all translators? Should we add it to CVS? (would make it more convenient for us)
Updating pgadmin3.pot *could* be added to Makefile, instead of calling stringextract manually, but this would create a lot of updates to CVS.

Where should we put the resulting *.mo files? Again, for convenience, we could add them to CVS.

From now on, the Win32 version will be binarily distributed as Unicode version.


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