Some feedback regarding pgAdmin3 (pgadmin3-20030614-Win32 from on Win2K).

When connecting to a database as non-superuser, it shows the message:
An error has occured:
ERROR: pg_shadow: permissin denied
I don't think this is really an error. It is expected behaviour, but the current message might confude people. Maybe it should say something like "Insufficient permissions to enumerate users.", but it would be really neat if the users entry in the left pane just greyed out and the message only appeared when somebody clicks on it.

It would be nice if vacuum had the option to do a verbose vacuum and the result was displayed in screen. Also, a separate button for analyze would be nice.

View data:
I really like the inline editing of data in tables. Much better then what it was. However, horizontal and vertical scrollbars only appear when I maximize the window.

When are you going to release an official alfa/beta version?

Keep up the good work, Jochem

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