Hi Andreas

A result wasn't desirable though I did Make by the thing of which moment.
Furthermore, even binary of snake that UPload was done the other day is the
Debugging of Editor.cxx of WxWindows hasn't been able to be done yet.
I want to confirm.
why doesn't this phenomenon happen with your environment?
If it is my environment only, it becomes the thing of the problem of
Japanese Edition of Windows.
I am examined with the next environment, and a result is as the report.

Windows2000 sp3 , VC6 +sp5

ScreenShot of the reference is a UNICODE version.

If it is by Japanese edition, there is a problem in the deep.

Hiroshi Saito

> (snip)
> > Hiroshi,
> >
> > please do the following:
> > - Store the definition of the table you are testing with to a file
> > - Send the definition to me, so that I can create it in my database.
> It mails by direct delivery independently.
> >
> > Still, this looks just like a wxWindows version that doesn't have the
> > wxString patch applied. Please double check if you are using a corrected
> > version. Maybe you mixed up debug and nondebug version? Rebuilt
> > wxWindows release, but compiled pgAdmin3 debug thus effectively using
> > wxWindows debug with old code?
> 1)WxWindows(cvs checkout 2003-06-12)
> 2) pgadmin3(cvs checkout 2003-06-12)
> Since a link is divided with DEBUG and RELEASE and is performed, there is
> mixture.
> I'm sorry.
> Since a server cannot be accessed now, a situation cannot be told well.
> A problem may be able to be seen also by the attached thing.
> It is made to tell again on Monday in detail.
> Regards,
> Hiroshi Saito

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