Hi Jean-Michel.

From: "Jean-Michel POURE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thursday 19 June 2003 01:24, Hiroshi Saito wrote:
> > I will being written it with the code for EUC_JP.
> > It thinks that it will be made by FreeBSD.
> > An environment hasn't been able to be made yet though it is trying to
> > it for the confirmation.
> Independently of your choice, we can always recode the .po file when
needed to
> UTF-8. Therefore, let's try first under EUC_JP and the rest will follow.

Thank you very much.
I actually confirm it on the screen, and want to be careful that the problem
of the font width doesn't happen.
It works to have an expectation it answers though it may take time in
accordance with the confirmation of the movement.


> By the way, save a lot of time using poedit from
> poedit.sourceforce.net.

A happening from tonight...

With kindest regards,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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