Here is the list of options that I am going to support. If anyone has comments, changes, etc. please let me know, otherwise I will go ahead with these options:

--with-wx=DIR Specifies the root directory of the wxWindows installation (--prefix=DIR passed to configure when building wxWindows). If this setting is *not* specified, then configure will search for wxWindows in /usr, /usr/local, and /usr/local/wx2.

--with-pgsql=DIR Same as above, except configure searches for pgsql in /usr, /usr/local, and /usr/local/pgsql

--with-pgsql-include=DIR Explicitly specify the pgsql includes directory

--enable-debug Compiles a debug version of pgAdmin3. This will override CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS and pass "-g -Wall -O0" to both of them, ensuring no optimization code is used.

--enable-static Compiles a static (as static as possible, that is) version of pgAdmin3. This will pass a --static and --static-glibc option to the linker, to link against libc statically (this really won't do much, but it doesn't hurt). This will also link against static version of pgsql and wxWindows.


--enable-wx-gtk2 Compiles against the gtk2 version of wxWindows

--enable-wx-unicode Compiles against the unicode version of wxWindows

--enable-wx-release Compiles against the release version of wxWindows

--with-wx-config=FILE Explicitly specify which wx-config program to use, full path not necessary


Here are my comments about the above options. I, personally, don't like the last four options, because they are only necessary when a user has more than one version of wxWindows on their box. I am *not* going to include them unless I hear otherwise, and here's why. If a user, or a developer, wants to compile against multiple version of wxWindows to test options, etc. (a perfectly reasonable situation), then they can compile and install wxWindows with different prefixes. So pass a different --prefix=DIR to the wxWindows configure, and then pass that directory to the pgAdmin3 configure with --with-wx=DIR, and pgAdmin3 will compile against that version. Installing two different versions of wxWindows to the same prefix is probably bad news anyway (what if there are different versions of headers for Unicode? The old versions would get overwritten). I don't think it's necessary to support different versions in the same directory structure, and I see no need to do so. Correct me if I am wrong, but otherwise the pgAdmin3 configure will automagically detect which version of wxWindows you have specified and link accordingly.

As for creating backwards-compatible versions of the autoconf scripts, Andreas is right. There is no need to do this. You do *not* need to run 'bootstrap' to create a snapshot, you only need to run 'configure'. In truth, it's probably not necessary to even distribute bootstrap,,, or acinclude.m4 in our snapshots. The only reason for doing so is to help support platforms where the configure code fails (it happens, but not very often). Distributing those files would allow a user to re-generate configure if needed. In most cases, it is not necessary. So unless 'configure' doesn't run on Mandrake or SuSE or Debian or whatever, I feel no need to produce backwards-compatible scripts. Obviously I bow to the core developers on this one, just let me know.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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