Dave Page wrote:

I'm having serious trouble getting the helpfiles to be found in pgAdmin
III as the code used to find pages seems to be different for virtually
every help menu option.

I have started sorting this out by moving bugreport.html into the main
doc directory. I haven't modified the code to display it, but have added
it to the index page.

Currently, the Help menu contains these options:

pgAdmin III FAQ
SQL Help
PostgreSQL Help
Tip of the Day...

I think we should have:

pgAdmin Help    (docs/en_US/index.html)
SQL Help                (docs/en_US/pg/sql-commands.html | xxx.html)
PostgreSQL Help   (docs/en_US/pg/index.html)
pgAdmin FAQ       (http://www.pgadmin.org/pgadmin3/faq/)
Tip of the Day
Bug Reporting     (docs/en_US/pg/bugreport.html)

Now, on Windows, the docs are in $INSTALLDIR/docs/en_US/ and
$INSTALLDIR/docs/en_US/. The binaries live in $INSTALLDIR.

On Unix, the docs are (normally) in
$INSTALLDIR/share/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/ and
$INSTALLDIR/share/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/pg/. The binaries live in

So the only problem is bug report? It was just a quick-and-dirty page, (which shouldn't reside under .../pg, but only en_US), should we include an official bugreport dialog?


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