Andreas Pflug wrote:

Adam, I believe it's time you have a look at the source what's really going on there. The grid doesn't have control over the data, it's pgadmin3 managing it.

Yeah, that's a good idea. :-) Not today, though, my head hurts. Besides, I don't really want to be able to sort the data, I just just trying to help claudius. :)

Minimize/Maximize is implemented by GDI and gtk, Select All is not. You want to change the Win API? Good luck....
BTW, Alt-A is quite a bad idea, Alt keys should be left free for application shortcuts, not used by controls.

Okay, as much as I hate to admit it, I was wrong. It looks like (at least as far as wxWindows is concerned) if we want to support Ctrl-A, we would have to implement it ourself. It shouldn't be too hard, though, the question would be:

*) What key sequence(s) are we going to support?
*) What does Ctrl-A (or whatever) mean depending on what window/box/control is selected. A Ctrl-A in the tree view would be very different from a Ctrl-A in the SQL pane.

Do we want to do this, if so, what are the answers to the above questions.


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