Dave Page wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Michel POURE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 25 September 2003 14:58
Cc: Adam H. Pendleton; Dave Page; Hiroshi Saito; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Which RPMs should we use: ours or wxWindows ones...

My wxGTK2ud RPMs are getting quite old compared to wxWindows new ones. I am currently rebuilding the new RPMs from wxWindows CVS.

Note to porters: Please DO NOT do this on any boxes used for building binary pgAdmin releases.

pgAdmin 1.0.0 is scheduled for release on Friday and should be built
against the latest version of wxWindows on Snake, NOT fresh CVS code.

I'm checking wx CVS too, and it's mostly ok *except* for that clipboard fix/non-fix, so for release we should stick to our version. There's no reason for us to take another one at the moment, because no new features are used.

After that, we might update our snapshot.

Regards, Andreas

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