Hiroshi Saito wrote:

Hi Andreas.

It was ascertained.
The timing of constructer of pgConn isn't suitable for it.
It tried to trace it in let's as below.
pgSet *pgConn::ExecuteSet(const wxString& sql)
   // Execute the query and get the status.
   PGresult *qryRes;
   wxLogSql(wxT("Set query (%s:%d): %s"), this->GetHost().c_str(), this->GetPort(), 
if (&conv == &wxConvUTF8)
 wxLogSql(wxT("DEBUG: conv=>wxConvUTF8"));
 if (&conv == &wxConvLibc)
  wxLogSql(wxT("DEBUG: conv=>wxConvLibc"));
  wxLogSql(wxT("DEBUG: conv=>others"));

qryRes = PQexec(conn, sql.mb_str(conv));
All results are "DEBUG: conv=>wxConvLibc".
I think how it will be modified.....

In the constructor of pgConn (line 152ff), the server encoding is checked, and the client encoding is set to UNICODE if the server doesn't use SQL_ASCII. If everything's successful, you should see a "Setting client_encoding to 'UNICODE'.
I lost your log, and you didn't post it on pgadmin-hackers, so I can't check myself.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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