Hi Hiroshi,

Hiroshi Saito wrote:

Question 1)
Can you operate QueryBuilder well?

Here are the quick tests I did :
I tried to launch the querybuilder from today's snapshots (debian stable version) and it simply crashes when I select a table to add...
I then took your patch and applied it.
Now I can select the table to add but I have some wx asserts:

src/common/list.cpp(326): assert "wxAssertFailure" failed: invalid index in wxListBase::Item
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
[I click NO]
src/generic/listctrl.cpp(1304): assert "wxAssertFailure" failed: invalid column index in SetItem
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
[I click NO]
src/common/list.cpp(326): assert "wxAssertFailure" failed: invalid index in wxListBase::Item
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
[I click NO]
It's ok.

These asserts are coming up everytime I add a table and in the same order.

Question 2)
Please send screen shots to me.

Shall I ?

Question 3)
What is Version of gcc and gtk?

gcc 2.95.4-11woody1
libgtk2: 2.2.2-1woody2

If you want I can try a build on debian unstable ( it should be libgtk2=2.2.4-1 and gcc 3.3.2-1)

Hope this helps,

Raphaël Enrici

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