Dear friends,

Some feedback about the registration of pgAdmin III
on freeware/shareware sites:

1) Visibility

pgAdmin was registered manualy on 60 sites.

Thanks to the PAD file (, 
pgAdmin is slowly being published on shareware sites automatically.


As a result, if you connect to Google and enter 'pgadmin',
you can notice 49 pages of answers. 

2) Impact

The impact of shareware sites is not clear. Very few of them publish 
downloading statistics. Only the most interesting sites publish information.

50 downloads / week

3) Strategy

These figures are relatively low compared to the impact of the inclusion of 
pgAdmin III in Debian or in the main GNU/Linux distributions. We should be 
looking very hard in these directions... (they have millions of users).

Still, if you visit a freeware / shareware site with good downloading 
statistics, do not hesitate to register pgAdmin III.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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