Le dimanche 11 Avril 2004 22:39, Serguei Mokhov a écrit :
> It would be cool to have two more translation status tables at [1].
> One for the current dev. version of pgAgmin, and the other one for
> the website.


> I just wanted to move on with the website translation, but [1] only
> has a link to the pgadmin3_website.pot ... thus, to continue existing
> translation I need to pull the CVS, which I can't do all the time
> depending where I am.

The existing po files for the website can be downloaded from:

From there, you can download the pot and po files, updated from CVS.

> The idea is similar to what Peter E. did in [2]. As a quick fix, one
> could simply provide nearly direct links to the web interface to CVS.

Peter website is very nice and well designed.

Jean-Michel Pouré

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