
after a fresh cvs checkout just now, i get the following error while running configure:

checking for wxWidgets... yes

Warning: No config found to match: /usr/local/bin/wx-config --static=no --libs --unicode=yes --debug=yes --version=2.6
           in /usr/local/lib/wx/config
  If you require this configuration, please install the desired
  library build.  If this is part of an automated configuration
  test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.
  You may use wx-config --list to see all configs available in
  the default prefix.

Warning: No config found to match: /usr/local/bin/wx-config --static=no --libs stc,ogl --unicode=yes --debug=yes --version=2.6
           in /usr/local/lib/wx/config
  If you require this configuration, please install the desired
  library build.  If this is part of an automated configuration
  test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.
  You may use wx-config --list to see all configs available in
  the default prefix.

configure: error: Your wxWidgets installation cannot support pgAdmin in the selected configuration. This may be because it was configured without the --enable-unicode option, or the combination of dynamic/static linking and debug/non-debug libraries selected did not match any installed wxWidgets libraries.
make: *** [config.status] Error 1

the pgadmin configure command was
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgadmin-svn

the wx configure command was
./configure --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --enable-unicode --disable-shared --enable-debug --enable-mimetype=yes

i've successfully used the above pgadmin configure command until a few days ago. configure goes through and pgadmin compiles ok with the following parameters:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgadmin-svn --enable-debug --enable-static

is it necessary to explicitly add these two parameters now?


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