
the following is the content of a message that didn't make it to the
list a few days ago:

i'm also working on translating the hint files and tips.txt. i presume
tips.txt is utf-8 encoded? i saved it as utf-8 and slovenian characters
were displayed correctly.

also, the html files in hints directory: the meta tag says they're
windows-1252. i've tried saving them as windows-1250 but that worked ok
only on windows, i got garbage for some chars on linux. right now i'm
using iso-8859-2, which seems to display all characters correctly, but i
haven't tested that on windows yet. i'll send these files later today or
tomorrow. which character set is best to use and which character sets
are available? for slovenian characters, i can choose these: win-1250,
latin2 and utf8. which will cause the least trouble?

i have resorted to using html codes, such as #268, #269, etc. for some special characters. i use windows-1252 character encoding, as is used in english hint files. this seems to work both on linux (tested on suse 9.3) and windows (tested on a w2k platform with a binary snapshot dated 23. 10. 2005). is this an acceptable "solution" or is there some other way this can/should/is preferred to be done?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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