-----Original Message-----
From: "Jyrki Wahlstedt"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 06/11/05 12:08:11
To: "pgadmin-hackers"<pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org>
Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] OS X src deficiency?

> I checked the RC1 package for DarwinPorts (for OS X). It seems to me,  
> however, that the script 'complete-bundle.sh' is missing in pkg/mac  
> directory. 

Yes, fixed in the release tarball though.

> Another thing I noticed missing was the unix_compilation document  
> that is supposed to be in docs. It is referred to in README.txt, but  
> it does not exist.

Drat. The file was deprecated a while back. I'll need to remove the reference. 

> PS I am sorry that pgAdmin isn't yet in DarwinPorts tree, but that is  
> beyond my control. I'll submit the Portfile for 1.4.0 again and let's  
> hope for the best…

Great, thanks.

Regards, Dave

-----Unmodified Original Message-----
I checked the RC1 package for DarwinPorts (for OS X). It seems to me,  
however, that the script 'complete-bundle.sh' is missing in pkg/mac  
directory. Am I right or am I missing something (at least the build  
process seems to require it)? Otherwise it builds fine.
Another thing I noticed missing was the unix_compilation document  
that is supposed to be in docs. It is referred to in README.txt, but  
it does not exist.
PS I am sorry that pgAdmin isn't yet in DarwinPorts tree, but that is  
beyond my control. I'll submit the Portfile for 1.4.0 again and let's  
hope for the best…
! Jyrki Wahlstedt
! Männikkötie 5 D 19            mob. +358-40-502 0164
! FI-00630 Helsinki
! Our life is no dream; but it ought to become one and perhaps will.
! PGP key ID: 0x139CC386 fingerprint: F355 B46F 026C B8C1 89C0  A780  
6366 EFD9 139C C386

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