Dave Page wrote:

Yes, but it used wxGrid methods to build the report, thus, like the
copy functionality, would have needed fixing to work with a listview

I already changed that to the new interface.

(actually, frmReport has a listview->reporttable method that could be

I don't quite understand that.

The ability to copy columns and arbitrary groups of cells as well as

Again: I said early enough the base was wrong. And I didn't see
*any* speed increase on linux. Probably, any virtual solution will
be ok, but any non-virtual solution *cant* be ok.

The point was that it was a distinct improvement, even if not the
ultimate solution - anyway, that's irrelevant now so let's move on.

An improvement that ignores basics is useless.

It should have been, but things are horribly intervowen. I'd have
to understand in detail what's going on to continue, because
apparently removing MNU_XXX entries would kill methods too.

Are you doing this or me? I'm happy to work on it if you'll provide
feedback when needed. If you're doing it though, let me know and I'll
do something else.

Since most of the work is specific, you'd better do it. I can assist with menu/general stuff, which should reduce to some "new reportSomethingFactory" in frmMain::CreateMenus(). Submenus are now handled automatically, so even the events.cpp is totally generic now. I'm going to extend programmers-readme.txt ASAP.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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