
Ok,  I do one's best:-)
more evolution the pgAdmin.!

Hiroshi Saito

From: "Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Just a heads-up - I'd like to aim to be ready to go to beta by the end of the month, so if you have any outstanding patches or bugs, please post them ASAP!!

Hiroshi; for your info - I'd like to be able to start helping tidy up and complete the debugger after the end of next week, so if you can commit any major changes by then, that would be a big help. We can then fix any outstanding issues one at a time between us then.

Guillaume; you might want to consider updating the translations again and waking up the translators - there are likely to be more changes before we release, but I think it's probably most useful if they can get started as soon as possible and pickup those changes when they happen, rather than trying to do everything in one go.

Any other comments/thoughts/flames etc?

Thanks, Dave

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