Hi all,
as a translator I find quite uncomfortable some part of the pgadmin3 release 
process. I would like to discuss if others share these problems, and eventually 
fix them.

The first problem is related to the stringmerge utility. Every time source code 
is updated, with changes in strings, a manual invocation of stringmerge is 
required. It happens that people forget it, so I have to use stringmerge every 
time I need to update my translation.
I think that merging strings could be done automatically via Makefile, at build 
Updating all translations on SVN, as the current stringmerge does, is useless 
since it just add a lot of SVN changes and commit for files that still have to 
be translated.

Another problem with the build process is that when I change my pgadmin3.po, it 
is not automatically compiled to .mo. This is another step that could be done 
automatically in i18n/Makefile.

I also feel a need for a string freeze period before any release. I am used to 
update my translations on other projects while developers do not change 
strings. Without a string freeze is very difficult to keep translations update 
and in sync.

Last problem. The po file includes all strings alphabetically sorted. I find 
very handy to have these strings not sorted; what I would need is it to keep 
closer strings that are next in the source code. The reason is that very often 
strings are related the same subject and should be translated using the same 

Any comments?


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