On 3.8.2007, at 0.15, Jyrki Wahlstedt wrote:

I soon get used to the fact that I changed my subscriber email, setting it right helps in getting the message through. If this is a double, feel free to erase this (as always)!

On 2.8.2007, at 23.20, Dave Page wrote:

Jyrki Wahlstedt wrote:
Hmm, I'm not sure, whether the situation improved. What happens is that
the app crashes twice. I wouldn't bet it is better :-)

OK, last time I checked once an app had crashed it couldn't crash again
unless it was restarted!! What happens *exactly*, including error
message text?

<a lot snipped>

Here's what I can do: in building the bundle I can replace the helper apps (pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore) with symbolic links to the respective apps in the postgresql82 port, as those apps are sure to exist due to the dependency setting. I made that replacement manually, and now pgAdmin starts ok. I don't like to mess with the internals of an app, but I don't like crashing either:-) How does that sound? It is relatively easy to write, and easy to remove, if and when a solution is found to the problem. PS It would help if someone else would try to use MacPorts, too, to try to reproduce what I described in my previous messages, I would like to be wrong (I've attached my Portfile).

Attachment: Portfile
Description: Binary data

! Jyrki Wahlstedt
!       http://www.wahlstedt.fi/jyrki/
! Our life is no dream; but it ought to become one and perhaps will.
! PGP key ID: 0x139CC386 fingerprint: F355 B46F 026C B8C1 89C0 A780 6366 EFD9 139C C386

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