I'm pleased to announce the release of pgAdmin III v1.8.0 Release
Candidate 1. We hope to turn this into a full release as soon as
possible, so please, download, test and report any last-minute issues so
we can fix them for release!!

pgAdmin is the leading graphical administration and development tool for
PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB and most other PostgreSQL-derived DBMSs. It can
be used on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac and Solaris with servers on any
platform. For more information, please see the website:

For details of the changes since v1.6, please see the changelog at:

To download the release candidate, please visit the download page at
http://www.pgadmin.org/download/. In addition to the source code, binary
downloads are currently available for Windows, Mac OS X and Slackware
Linux. Additional binaries will be released as soon as possible.

This is a pre-release version and should be used at your own risk!
Please report any bugs or problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regards, Dave.

Dave Page
pgAdmin Project Lead

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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