
On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Devrim Gündüz <dev...@gunduz.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I committed pgadmin4 WIP spec file a few days ago, and now I'd like to 
> finalize
> the packaging.


> Right now, we have 2 packages:
> * pgadmin4-1.0-rc1_1.f24.x86_64 , includes:
>   /usr/pgadmin4-1.0/runtime/pgAdmin4
>   /usr/pgadmin4-1.0/runtime/pgadmin4.ini
> * pgadmin4-web-1.0-rc1_1.f24.noarch , includes:
>  - the rest.
> So, what is next? I assume I'd need to add a unit file / init script, right?
> Anything I'm missing?

For users to run in desktop mode, nothing else should be required,
except possibly a shortcut to the runtime executable.

For all users, a config_distro.py file may be needed to to override
any of the default config settings with distro specific values.

For users running in web mode, an Apache HTTPD config snippet should
be adding in /etc/httpd/conf.d. That should look something like this
(for httpd 2.4 - the Require All Granted will be different on earlier

    WSGIDaemonProcess pgadmin processes=1 threads=25
    WSGIScriptAlias /pgadmin4 /opt/pgAdmin4/web/pgAdmin4.wsgi

    <Directory /opt/pgAdmin4/web>
        WSGIProcessGroup pgadmin
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
        Require all granted

Finally; are you building and including the docs? Their location will
need to be in the config.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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