On 2017-05-02 13:46 +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 10:44 AM, Markus Zapke-Gründemann <
> mar...@transcode.de> wrote:
> > I installed pgAdmin 4 successfully from the PostgreSQL FTP[1] using pip.
> > I also tried to install it from PyPI, but the distribution hasn't been
> > upload there.
> >
> > Having pgAdmin 4 available on PyPI would make the installation much more
> > easier, because one wouldn't have to add the PostgreSQL FTP URL to
> > install it.
> >
> > With the URL changing with every release it's also a little bit more
> > work than necessary for the user to check for new releases and to
> > upgrade the configuration.
> >
> > Finally services like pyup.io could help users to upgrade the version
> > automatically if would be on PyPI.
> >
> > So what's needed to get pgAdmin 4 to PyPI? Or are there any general
> > reasons for not uploading it to PyPI?
> >
> Not enough cycles on my part really. It is on my todo list.
I have some experience with publishing distributions to PyPI. Is there
anything I can to do help?



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