On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Sarah McAlear <smcal...@pivotal.io> wrote:
>> Thanks. When I run the tests my browser opens in some default size
>> that's always consistent, but doesn't match my normal Chrome sessions,
>> or the 1024x1024 default set in app_starter.py.
> This looks like an issue with string edit box placement in the
> implementation. We created an issue for this (RM2477).

That was my guess too.

>> Anyway - I found another issue. If I select one or more columns or
>> rows, or an arbitrary selection of cells, copy/paste seems to work
>> fine. However, if I click the Select All arrow, for a small resultset
>> (e.g. SELECT * FROM pg_database with 18 rows) it works fine, but if I
>> do the same with the contents of pg_class, which has 1342 rows on this
>> DB, it seems to fail to populate the clipboard and ends up pasting
>> whatever was copied previously instead. If I use the Copy button, even
>> on a fast machine it seems to pause for a second or so before failing
>> to put the data on the clipboard.
> We were able to reproduce this with "SELECT generate_series(1, 50000)"
> The issue was still present for us when we ran the app at each of 2fddf750
> and 495a3cedb
> Could we move this discussion to a new thread as it doesn't seem related to
> these changes?

Something in these changes caused it to start manifesting, but I agree
the underlying issue was probably there anyway. I'm happy to move to a
different thread.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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