First, please note that PgAdmin4 is just an interface to PostgreSQL, so it is 
very helpful if you state the actual version of PostgreSQL and O/S you are 
working with.IE: SELECT version(); 

>Can the column headings be taken from the first line of the csv file?

>Additionally, I have tried to do this with smaller number of columns with
>CREATE table but the column headings appear in a different order to what is
>in the csv file (that cannot be edited

What you are trying to do can only be done with a SQL statement (IE: Query Tool)
So you need to specify the actual columns and order you will be providing.

CREATE TABLE many_col (
a integer,
b varchar(10),
c text,
d varchar(5),
e integer,
f text,

INSERT INTO many_col
( b, c, a, e)
('first b', 'first text value', 1, 11),
)'secon b', 'first text value', 2, 22);

Melvin Davidson 🎸
 I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you 
 wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.
Folk Alley - All Folk - 24 Hours a day


    On Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 10:06:49 AM EST, TedJones 
<> wrote:  
 I am quite new to PostgreSQL and I am having difficulty with the following:

I am trying to input a csv file into a table that has a very large number of
columns. This means that it is impractical to create a table and specify the
name of all the columns. Can the column headings be taken from the first
line of the csv file?

Additionally, I have tried to do this with smaller number of columns with
CREATE table but the column headings appear in a different order to what is
in the csv file (that cannot be edited). I then cannot edit (cut and paste
as you would expect!) the SQL to change the order of the columns. Surely
there must be a way of doing this!! I have no control over the input csv
files that contain the data.

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