
On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Peter Palka <ppa...@cmcrc.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to deploy pgAdmin in cloud container environment and use
> PostgreSQL database as users' data storage. The reasons are:
>    - we have +30 users that are heavily using pgAdmin
>    - our PostgreSQL cloud database has higher stability level than our
>    cloud container infrastructure
>    - it will be much easier to scale pgAdmin in the future if we will use
>    container-independent database
> SQLite is not designed to handle heavy traffic and we don't want to keep
> users data in the filesystem as in case of failure all data will be lost.
> I'm also afraid that sooner or later it will become a performance
> bottleneck.
> I've checked web/config.py and web/setup.py (commit
> 59d8f6fb84e0aabc098fecf968cde3f9fcdf53b0 Wed May 2 16:51:17 2018
> +0100) and I was unable to find any way to initialise pgAdmin with
> Postgresql as a user data storage backend.
> Documentation also says nothing about database other than SQLite
> (Development version (GIT head Thu May 3 13:45 2018 +1000).
> Is there any way to set up pgAdmin with other database than SQLite?
> (Postgresql preferable)

This is not currently possible; however, the usage of SQLite is quite
minimal. Have you done any load testing that shows it is actually a
bottleneck, or are you speculating at this point? Certainly there will be a
point where it may become an issue, but I have no idea at present if that's
at 30 users or 300.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
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