Unfortunately, using simple SQL statements isn't an option when dealing
with multiple databases (e.g., moving records from a development
environment into a production system as per my proposed use case).


On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 9:18 AM Calle Hedberg <calle.hedb...@gmail.com>

> Dave,
> You are talking about "copying" data from one table to another table in
> the same database, yes?
> For that use an INSERT INTO <destinationtable> (SELECT .....FROM
> sourcetable) query - it will provide most of the flexibility you need with
> regard to including/excluding columns, renaming, changing column order, etc.
> If you need to do several sequential manipulation steps on the data to be
> copied, it might be necessary to first insert the data into a temporary
> table, then do whatever manipulations necessary, before inserting the final
> result into the destination table (or if not absolutely necessary, at least
> easier - while advanced manipulation can be done in a single step, it might
> require advanced skills and a crystal clear understanding of the underlying
> processes, and doing it step by step can be safer/easier for us normal
> mortals...)
> Regards
> Calle
> On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 13:36, Dave Caughey <caugh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, for the basic question, but I'm not sure if there are bug(s) in
>> pgAdmin, or just that I'm clueless.  (My money lies on the latter!)
>> Imagine the scenario where you are adding a feature to a product that
>> requires adding some new rows to a configuration table, and as part of the
>> patch you need to replicate a bunch of record from your development
>> database to your production databases.
>> You'd think there'd be a number of options, e.g.,
>> 1. After doing a "View/Edit..." | "Filter by", select the displayed
>> records, click "copy" to get them on to the clipboard, then go to the
>> production database, do a "View/Edit..." on the corresponding table, and
>> paste.  But, in my case, I need my auto-sequenced "id" column to be omitted
>> (so it gets re-generated in the new table), so perhaps this isn't the right
>> choice.  Even worse, over the years, my database tables (auto-created via
>> Hibernate used in a Java Servlet) no longer have the same column order.
>> (Question: is there no way that copy-and-paste between tables can consider
>> the column names so copying between (int id,int feature_id,text name) and
>> (int id,text name,int feature_id) is possible?)
>> 2. Or, I could right-click on the table and use Import/Export..."
>> (Question: is there a way to filter the records that will get exported?
>>  Or is there a way to trigger import/export on the results of a
>> "View/Edit..." | "Filter by"?).  However, here the issue is the columns no
>> longer have the same order (e.g., (int,int,text) vs (int,text,int)) so
>> "Import/Export..." fails.  (Question: Is that not what the "Header" toggle
>> is supposed to do?   I see that enabling it during export *adds* a header
>> to the export files, but shouldn't enabling it during import cause it to be
>> used to identify the order?).  This method has the attraction that I can
>> use the "Columns" tab to exclude one of the columns from my export (i.e.,
>> my auto-sequenced "id" column).
>> 3. Or, I could do a "Backup..." and then a corresponding "Restore..." ,
>> but I noticed that there the generated file contains CREATE DATABASE bits
>> of code even though the "Include CREATE DATABASE" toggle in the Backup..."
>> dialog is set to "No" (Question: bug, or my misunderstanding?).  But I'm
>> guessing that a backup/restore will generally do a complete and utter
>> restore, rather than just moving some data.
>> 4. Other options?
>> So, what is the best/simplest way to copy data between tables, given the
>> possibility that some/all might apply?
>>    - The columns may be in a different order in different databases
>>    - One column might need be left blank
>>    - I only want to copy some of the records
>> Cheers,
>> Dave
> --
> *Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg*
> Researcher & Technical Specialist
> Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa
> Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)
> Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)
> E-mail1: ca...@hisp.org
> E-mail2: calle.hedb...@gmail.com
> Skype:  calle_hedberg

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