
As you know, when run in Desktop mode, pgAdmin 4 uses a server process
which runs all the time and opens a browser window to display the UI. Very
early versions used a Qt based runtime that integrated the browser and
server which gave a much more "normal" application feel, but unfortunately
we found that the Qt browser components had performance issues.

We've been working on a new runtime (based on NWjs, similar to Electron) to
allow us to get rid of the separate server process, and I'm please to offer
builds for testing at:

There you'll find an installer for 64 bit Windows, a DMG for macOS, and RPM
and DEB packages for Fedora 31, 32 & 33, RHEL/CentOS 7 & 8, Debian 9, 10 &
11 and Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and 20.10.

These builds are based on development code currently in git that will be
released as v4.30 next week. This includes phase 1 of our Kerberos support
(for logging into pgAdmin, but *not* the database servers), and the new ERD
tool. This code is still going through QA and final improvement, so please
bear that in mind.

We're aiming to release v5.0 of pgAdmin 4 in late February, based on the
new runtime, so would appreciate as much help and feedback as we can get
prior to the release.

Whilst I'm writing, I'd also like to give an update on platform support

- As previously noted in release announcements, Windows 32 bit builds are
deprecated. v4.29 will be the last 32 bit Windows build supported.

- Canonical have dropped support for Ubuntu 19.10, and now removed all of
the packages repositories. We have therefore had to drop support for it as
well; the last supported version of pgAdmin on Ubuntu 19.10 will be v4.29.

- Due to the age of the Python version it ships with, we've had to stop
producing builds for Ubuntu 16.04 (some of the security related Python
modules are no longer supported on older Python versions). v4.30 will be
the last version supported on Ubuntu 16.04.

- Builds for Ubuntu 20.10 and Debian 11 (Bullseye/testing) have been added
for the v4.30 release onwards.

Thank you!

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake


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