On the one hand angry emails like the one that started this thread reveal
how many of users don't realize they should be thankful and appreciative
they are given a free product to use. I personally was repelled by the
tone, but that's beyond the point.

On the other hand this specific question was raised  several times here

In my mind it may not be a big lift to create a small [re]configuration
shell/python script that would take care of the most common settings like
this one. A simple command line "wizard" that simply asks to [re]define the
initial or existing configuration. This way the developers don't need to
worry about compromised security. I foresee variables like those below
(just a suggestion) to be a subject of such configuration script.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 6:08 PM richard coleman <rcoleman.ascen...@gmail.com>

> [ HOW TO DISABLE MASTER PASSWORD feature in pgAdmin4 ]
> Vladimir,
> I sympathize with you.  I have had some extensive discussions with the
> head developer, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be something that he is
> willing to address.  It's built to address a *remote* threat vector, one
> that the vast majority of users would not be susceptible to, nor would they
> agree that the minimal additional security provided warrants the lost time
> and inconvenience that having it entails.  Since he believes so strongly in
> this, it is set to a default of being on and not only is the setting *not*
> exposed in the configuration UI, but it makes use of a non-existent file in
> a location that typically only administrators have access to.  Since many
> (most) users who will be using this in desktop mode already have these
> permissions, all it does is force them to either; use a stupidly simple
> master password (a single space is sufficient), or research the
> byzantine instructions to create a config_local.py file with the magic
> line; "MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED=False" .  It doesn't help that the official
> documentation located here
> https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.0/config_py.html, gives a
> location for config_system.py.  It usually doesn't exist and more
> importantly is **not** the location where the config.py, config_distro.py,
> or the all important config_local.py (that you need to create to disable
> the MASTER PASSWORD feature) resides.  Of course, upgrading from pgAdmin4
> 4.x to pgAdmin4 5.0 re-enables the MASTER PASSWORD feature (⋋▂⋌).
> So, until the devs either; add the option to control the MASTER PASSWORD
> feature into the config UI where it belongs, or change things, here are the
> steps to disable it.
>    1. Make sure pgAdmin4 is not running (if you are using pre-version 5,
>    make sure it isn't running in the tray)
>    2. Locate the pgadmin4 *config.py* file (it will be in a *web*
>    sub-directory parallel to the directory containing the executable)
>    3. Create a file named *config_local.py* in the same directory as the
>    config.py file (you will probably need admin or equivalent permissions)
>    4. Enter the line: MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED=False into that file and
>    save
>    5. Start pgAdmin4 and enjoy your MASTER PASSWORD free life
> I hope that helps anyone else still struggling with this.
> rik.
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 5:47 AM Vladimir Nicolici <vla...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Apparently, some parts of the message were lost when posting it through
>> postgresql-archive.org, so I attached a PDF version of my previous
>> message which includes the missing sections. Sorry about that.
>> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
>> Windows 10

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