
Regarding the release of pgAdmin 4 I need to point out some problems I'm facing 
with the new version.

First and most annoying - it is slow, really slow - one thing that pgAdmin had 
over other db management systems (MySQL Workbench, Microsoft Management Studio 
etc.) was its speed - now it's gone...

There is a significant regress in functionality:

- no favorites
- no recent queries
- no single line select (query tool)
- no notepad
- no bracket highlight (start-end, orphan)
- after every query result columns resize to some predefined width (should stay 
as set)
- no possibility to detach panel to window (multi monitor setup)
- view data result is shown without oid (no option to set it up)
- view data - disabled field edit when no primary key is set (that's why oids 
are for!)
- cannot select and copy fields from result
- triggers does not descent to its function (it's under properties)
- no object search
- no option to change database in query tool
- history in query tool is useless - can't see query if it is little longer, no 
- ...

And also bugs:

- only one error message for every query error: "Not connected to the server or 
the connection to the server has been closed."
- view data last/first 100 does not work - always first 100
- view data query is not editable (why is it there???)
- copy button does nothing
- global copy/paste mess - in one place Ctrl+C works other not, the same for 
context menu
- ...

I've tried to work with version 4.x for few hours - gave up... The issues above 
are only from these few hours...


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