2016-11-28 16:53 GMT+01:00 Jordan Woodhead <jordan.woodh...@bjss.com>:

> Hi,
> I’m having issues restoring tables.
> I was able to do this just fine on PGAdmin 3 using Postgres 9.3. I’ve
> upgraded to Postgres 9.5 and I want to be able to restore the tables just
> like I did in PGAdmin 3 but I get the following error message:
> 20161121135210265000,pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
> 20161121135210265000,pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while
> INITIALIZING: 20161121135210265000,pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not
> execute query: ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "row_security"
> 20161121135210265000, Command was: SET row_security = off;
> 20161121135210265000, 20161121135210265000,WARNING: errors ignored on
> restore: 1 –
> Please could you advise on what the issue is and what I need to do in
> order to fix this issue as nobody seems to know on the internet.

Looks like the kind of messages you'd get if you restore on an 9.3 Postgres
with a 9.5 pg_restore. Are you still connecting to your 9.3 database?


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